Thursday, July 12, 2012

Intro to Me

A demonstration of my sparkling personality

I started writing one of those "you need to understand me" bits a couple weeks ago in preparation for this blog.  I've been stuck on where to take it for a few days and decided to start over.  I was all over the flippin' place without making a real point with any of it.  Honestly, I was coming across as an as yet undefined breed of super bitch.  I must have been in a bad mood when I started writing.

Not to say that I'm sweet or even the slightest bit demure.  I can be supremely unpleasant when the situation calls for it, but I'm really a lot more than that.  I do have several tendencies that come across to others as bitchy, but in my defense they're not actually bitchy--they're honest.  Yes, there is a difference.  I'm really quite terrible at concealing my distaste for characteristics I don't find appealing and I truly do appreciate when people share their honest opinions with me--it took me several years to understand that most don't share my appreciation for no frills honesty.

So I muddle through often quiet and occasionally bursting at the seams with opinions that come flying out at less then optortune moments.  I've come to the conclusion that people need a dose of inconvenient reality now and then.  That's where I fit in and quite well.  Those who take offense to it aren't going to warm up to me over time, so I'm just not going to bother.  I'm comfortable with the saying that if you haven't offended anyone in your life then you never really stood up for anything.

So here I am--bitchy but honest and happy to be both.  Hey, at least you know when I compliment you it's genuine.  That should be at least a little redeeming.

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