It would seem that I've done a horrific job of maintaining my blog-o-sphere this past month. I have a myriad of excuses: being pregnant makes me worthless after 8 pm, not allowing time to write; I've started a few different posts without being able to get them edited to the point where I feel satisfied posting them online; my daughter's second birthday happened and I had to plan the family get together; blah, blah, blah.
But in two days, this magical thing happens every year where people all over the world dedicate themselves to writing 50,000 words in 30 days... all while knowing they're obligated to family gatherings (at least in the US) and stuffing themselves with entirely too much food and then shopping at ridiculous hours to get half way decent deals on Christmas presents for part of a week.
I've taken this monumentally silly task on twice before, and I've never met the end goal. So here I am, attempting it again, but I'm going to be realistic about probably not finishing my word count. The first novel I tried, I got about 36k words in and my computer crashed... and I stupidly had no back up. Lesson learned. The second attempt, I simply got distracted didn't write enough early on, and decided it was too much to catch up on to continue. At least that draft I still have.
So I've spent the past couple weeks jotting down ideas in my head, a basic plot outline, character traits, etc. in hopes that I can shut down the editor in me for 30 days and just write. Because I'm terrible about getting in my own way. Instead of my usual ranting about life and what makes me crazy about others, I'll be attempting to share a few excerpts I find especially amusing or bits I struggle with, as I mentally try to work my way through to the next bit.
1667 words a day is a lot for anyone. I find it especially daunting because mostly I'm my own worst critic. But there's no time like the present to get over myself and take advantage of an opportunity to work toward something I want. I'm sure some of my special brand of insanity will rear its ugly head for your entertainment along the way. I probably won't be sorry if I snap at someone... but I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones and sleep deprivation.
Two days to go! Well, a day and a half now. But still... WEE!!!